FOR SOME YEARS, I have been racking my brains and vexing my spirit to discover the real reason why so many are so critical of writings which genuinely expose falsehood and reveal truth.
Month: March 2023
Det som folk kallar “kristendom” borde vara den enda sanna motkulturen mitt i ett världssystem, som de heliga texterna tydligt visar vara under Satans makt (Johannes första brev, kapitel 5, vers 19).
When presenting the Gospel to a lost sinner, the good news is that they are being saved from something – namely eternal death (the second death). They are not being saved from eternal torment.
Throughout the past few years, I have felt an increasing burden for the fact that a snowballing number of otherwise evangelical churches are being seduced into the ways of superstition, animism and outright sorcery.
Och det är med mycken sorg i hjärtat som detta att “hålla sig till Herren” också fjärmar oss från våra egna som inte vill ha med Kristus att göra.